LAT.37º 7’N LONG.8º 31’W
The Boatyard, which covers a total area of 36.600m2, is located in Portimão Naval shipyard port area and is equipped with a “travel lift” with a lifting capacity for boats of up to 50 tons and 5,70m beam, as well as the use of a 300 tons travelift with 9 mts of beam. Services available include high pressure cleaning, a bilge water drain and locker rental, as well as other services. The boatyard includes hardstanding facilities where you can winter your boat.
1 - Parking
2 - Parking 2
3 - 50 ton Travelift
4 - 300 ton Travelift
5 - Reception
6 - Ship chandler
7 - Laundry
8 - Slipway
9 - Access by sea, 1 Nautical Mile from Marina
- 50 ton / 300 ton Travelift
- Slipway
- 36 600 of parking area
- Roofed area for yachts
- Toilets and shower
- Crane services
- High pressure hull cleaning
- Ship Chandler
- Fibre glass and composite works and repairs
- Electrical works
- Bow thruster installation
- General painting and anti fouling
- Canvas works (Awnings, Covers)
- 2 m3 lockers
- Engine repairs
- Mast rigging
- Yacht Brokers
- Boat Inspections
- Osmose Treatment
- Watermakers, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Teak Decking & Flexiteek
- Polishing
- Boat Transport
- Boat cleaning & maintenance
- Boat Joinery
- Electronical & Electrical Engineering
Marinas de Barlavento, S.A.
Marina de Portimão Edifício Administrativo,
Ponta da Areia
8500-345 Portimão
Tel. +351 282 400 680
[email protected]
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Marina de Portimão 2024